Home of SI-Instability.com
There is hope for Sacroiliac (SI) Instability and its associated pathology.

My Medical Journey. Select Any Topic Below.
Sacroiliac Joint Surgery
There is hope for Sacroiliac (SI) Instability and its associated pathology.
My Primary diagnosis code: 724.6-Disorders of the Sacrum Let me introduce the surgical procedure code 27216-50(bilateral) which states: Percutaneous skeletal fixation of posterior pelvic bone …
Fibular Pain
Diagnosing Lateral Knee Pain – Proximal / Superior Tibiofibular Joint
Now set free from my chronic condition with Proximal (Superior) Tibiofibular Posterior/Inferior Subluxation that had become a Chronic Recurrent …
Short Leg Syndrome
Gastroc-Soleus Equinus -Achilles Tendinitis-Structural Limb Length Discrepancy
This blog begins my new journey of discovery pertaining to the Gastroc and Soleus muscles, my mild Achilles Tendinitis, …
MalAlignment Syndrome
Mal-Alignment Syndrome
Along with my malalignment story, I would like to share some details pertaining to my daughter, Ally, at age 18 regarding her SI dysfunction and its related malalignment …
Subtalar Joint Instability
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome-Ongoing Ankle Pain, Prior Arthroscopic Ankle Surgery
My current story on Subtalar Joint Instability starts with the diagnostic words, “Sinus Tarsi Syndrome” of my left ankle in March of 2013 given to me by my Champion Sports Medicine Physician, Dr. PZ Pearce, Spokane, …
Upper Extremity Surgery
My Left Arm History, Shoulder Surgery, Wrist Ganglion Surgery, TFCC Ulnar Sided Wrist Pain
This blog begins my new category for Upper Extremity Surgery and Rehabilitation including the following subjects: My Volar(palm side) ganglion wrist surgical resection Ulnar sided wrist pain aka …
Piriformis Syndrome
Post SI Fixation Surgery, Piriformis Syndrome The Root of Bi-lateral Sciatica Nerve Pain
This is my first post since my SI Fixation Surgery on this subject of Piriformis Syndrome as the root of my bi-lateral Sciatica Nerve Pain. I can’t …
HyproCure Surgery
My HyProCure Surgery – Subtalar Joint Stabilization
11-15-13 – This is my HyProCure Surgery story to reduce the chronic subluxing Talus bone, realign my Subtalar joint and stabilize my rear foot. …
Zyga SImmetry® – True SI Joint Arthrodesis A Choice for SI Joint Fusion Surgery
For all my website subscribers and readers, I offer you my new page on the Zyga SImmetry® – True SI Joint Arthrodesis (fusion) surgical option for Sacroiliac Joint Instability/Dysfunction (SIJD) …
Peripheral Nerve Surgery
Peripheral Nerve Surgery
The background to my Peripheral Nerve Surgery story is also indirectly connected with my Malalignment Story and my SI-Instability/Surgery Story starting over 10 years ago. All …
Knee Injury
Rt Knee ACL and MCL Sprains with Bone Bruising – My Journey To Find Hope and Healing
Sunday, October 18th, 2015 – A night to never forget. I have climbed on and off hay bales in my barn for years. On this night as I was standing on one hale bale just off the ground on top …
My Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Journey: From Fear To Pro-Active Faith
My story starts around spring break of the year 1980 when I was 20 years old. I was a college student, working part-time, and socially