11-11-13 Update – Dr. Gent, my www.HyProCure.com Master Surgeon at Kitsap Foot and Ankle Clinic in Bremerton, WA also confirmed my CT Scan healing of my non-displaced fracture for which I had just completed 8-weeks of non-weight bearing. I am now good to come to see him for the minimally invasive extraosseous talotarsal stabilization stent surgery.
11-12-13 Update – Great News! My Talus Bone was finally in complete alignment and no chiropractic adjustment needed. My short-leg fiberglass cast had just been removed by my local foot doctor, Dr. Alm, and then I drove over to the chiropractor to be checked and I was so happy that my ankle was very pliable and not extremely stiff, nor was it swollen very much. The last 5 weeks of castings held the Subtalar Joint in neutral after I was adjusted at the 4-week mark of the non-weight bearing status. My Talus bone motioned very well.
Please see my youtube video of Dr. Sheldon, DC of Dwyer Chiropractic Office motioning and discussing my Talus.See my prior Blog for the CT Scan details.
After finishing with Dr. Sheldon, I drove back to Dr. Alm’s office to be immediately immobilized again in another short-leg cast in order to protect the alignment of my Subtalar Joint Instability per my surgeon, Dr. Gent’s request. Dr. Alm is very gracious and considerate in helping me with this cast that Dr. Gent will remove right before surgery.
Here is my youtube video of Dr. Alm and his assistant casting my leg.
Here is my youtube video of my finished last cast.
11-13-13 – I am so very happy to be driving off to Seattle, 7 hours away, to Dr. Gent’s Office for my pre-surgical appointment on 11-14-13. I am so glad the last two months are over and I am more than happy to deal with the upcoming post-surgical pain.
My HyProCure surgical story and recovery blogs soon to come.
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