11-15-13 – This is my HyProCure Surgery story to reduce the chronic subluxing Talus bone, realign my Subtalar joint and stabilize my rear foot. I am pictured here at 5 hours after the surgery in my hotel room. My leg was ace wrapped with a posterior splint for additional support and I had continuous compressing ice wraps underneath. I also had my own TENS unit that I used for the first two days for some additional pain control. Below are photos taken during surgery by my HyProCure Master Surgeon, Dr. David Gent, DPM of Kitsap Foot and Ankle Clinic in Bremerton, WA. My surgery was performed at the outpatient Pacific Surgery Center in Poulsbo, WA. My foot was finally stabilized with the HyProCure #6 stent as the #5 trial sizer was to small. Click on surgical photos to enlarge.
Here is link to the surgical report:HyProCure Surgery pg 1, HyProCure Surgery pg 2
Here is my youtube video in my hotel room discussing how I was doing after the surgery:
For those readers that may not have read all my prior blogs, here is the link to the beginning of my subtalar joint instability stories thus far. Here is the link to the HyProCure Surgery website which is also known as Extraosseous talotarsal stabilization. You can also search www.GraMedica.com the corporate site of this surgery. Here is my favorite article for which I identified with when I had researched this surgical option for my condition back in August 2013: Recurrent Reducible TaloTarsal Dislocation. Here is a another reference link to PubMed abstract:Extraosseous talotarsal stabilization devices: a new classification system
11-16-13 – The day after surgery we left the Guesthouse Inn & Suites, Poulsbo, WA and came back over the ferry to the Seattle suburbs. Even though I was tired due to the medications, I was able to enjoy a dinner at a Greek Restaurant that Saturday evening. I just simply kept my leg up on another chair while eating. This day was the most pain at 24 hours past surgery; however, a few pain pills, ice and elevation did take care of the pain. Dr. Gent called me that evening to see how I was doing. I appreciated his sincere follow-up call. Over the next few days, there were incremental phases of less pain and more ability to bear weight on my foot. I followed the doctor’s orders to keep my leg elevated and iced. For me, I did not take any medications at all during the day and only 2-3 Naproxens at night on days 3 and 4. The narcotic pain pills had already been stopped by 48 hours after the surgery.
I close this blog with saying that I was extremely pleased with the care and service of the Pacific Surgery Center, the CRNA-David Bobiak with Olympic Anesthesia, and not to forget Dr. Gent and his wonderful office staff that worked out every detail necessary to make my out-of-state surgery a great success!
My next blog will be my first post-op appointment with Dr. Gent at 5 days after my surgery.