Welcome to my new readers and ongoing faithful subscribers. This is my blog to freely promote another wonderful resource produced by Zyga Technology, Inc. Because I have a passion to help anyone suffering with low back pain related to sacroiliac joint dysfunction, I want to make fellow patients aware of this website titled:
“Is It SI? Com”: http://isitsi.com/
In this website there are various blogs written by doctors that have specialized in diagnosing and surgically stabilizing the Sacroiliac (SI) Joints. There are also Physician Biographies http://isitsi.com/physician-biographies/of the contributing doctors. With the newer minimally invasive SI joint fusion procedures, more hope and healing can come to patients as compared to the days gone by of invasive open fusion. After patients review all the topics on the website, there is a section for “Ask a Doctor” a question. http://isitsi.com/contact-a-doctor/
I, myself, am now 4 years from having a similar but different procedure with my Stryker Cannulated bi-lateral screw fixation without fusion procedure as Zyga Technology with their Zyga SImmetry® True Arthrodesis (Fusion) of the SI Joint was not on the market at that time. Either way the point is this: I’m stabilized and I’m reaping tremendous benefits of positively changing all the muscles both proximal and distal of my pelvis along with a profound improvement of my walking gait through each stance of the gait cycle. Here is a link to my homepage to see my entire medical journey posted thus far: https://si-instability.com/
With my first hand experience of living the journey of a rotated pelvis with extra-articular sacroiliac joint dysfunction leading to the wear and tear of my lumbar discs along with suffering the bio-mechanical breakdown of the stability with my Tibiofibular Joints from a 10 year compromised walking gait, I am glad to go the extra mile in paying it forward by sharing all possible information regarding surgical solutions to fix the problem when conservative measures have long failed to stabilize the pelvis. To that extent, Zyga SImmetry® True Arthrodesis (Fusion) is here to give patients the quality of life they deserve. Contact https://zyga.com for a doctor that specializes in this surgical procedure.
My final patient to patient advice: Please research, connect with other patients on the Zyga Surgical Support Facebook Page that I co-administer and by all means rule in or out SI joint pain/dysfunction before considering lumbar fusion for disc herniations.
Lumbar Pathology on an MRI doesn’t necessarily mean its the root cause pain generator; nor does lack of SI Joint Pathology on an MRI mean there isn’t a problem as bio-mechanics has to be considered.
Many patients have ended up with more problems post lumbar fusion with their SI joints.
Take care of the weight-bearing SI joints first.
When they are in a neutral stable position, the lumbar spine then has the best chance to naturally decompress through therapy and retraining of dysfunctional muscle patterns attached to pelvis, which in the end will be more positive for the discs.
Through the contact page of my website, I can be reached to lend a listening ear and give you patient to patient support through the debilitating medical journey that Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction causes.